Choose “Add New” from the Posts Menu
Give your blog a title
Type your blog post into the big content box.
Format your text using the formatting buttons to add bolding, headlines (see drop down that says “paragraph” use headlines h2 – h5 do not use H1, this is already used by your title.)
Add photos by clicking the “Add Media” button and uploading photos from your computer, or using ones already in your media library.
On the right side of the screen are some important controls.
“Save draft” button. You can save a draft of your post if you are not ready to publish it yet.
“Publish” button. Will change to “update” once your post has been published. You can edit your post at any time.
Categories: Your main category, under which all your posts will automatically go, is “blog”. If you choose, you can add sub-categories and a category menu in your sidebar to help people find info on certain topics.
Tags: You can ignore this unless you want people to be able to search for key phrases in your posts.
Featured image: upload or choose an image in your library to show up on your post archive page, facebook, and other places.
Under your post is a “Theme SEO Settings” box. Use this to add an SEO friendly (i.e. searchable) title and description for Googe to use. Your title should be around 61 characters, including spaces. Your description 25 – 30 words.
Your title should be around 61 characters, including spaces. Your description 25 – 30 words.
Your description 25 – 30 words.
SEO is optional but can help people find, or choose, your posts in Google searches. This is especially helpful if your blog title doesn’t contain searchable terms. Example: blog post title, “It’s Hot Out There!”. SEO title: “How to Keep Your Dog Cool in Summer”